Privacy Policy

我们的隐私政策是我们承诺的延伸,即在处理我们网站的用户和与我们沟通的人时,将优质的服务与最高水平的诚信相结合. The Policy is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect, 使用和保护您提供给我们的个人信息,并帮助您在使用我们的网站时做出明智的决定. This statement will be continuously assessed against new technologies, ethical practices, and our users’ needs. By communicating with Strategic Factory via phone, email, or website inquiry, you agree to receive marketing communication from us about products, services, and exclusive offers. You may unsubscribe from our communication at any time.


What Information Do We Collect? 当您访问我们的网站时,您可以向我们提供两种类型的信息:您在知情的情况下选择披露以个人为基础收集的个人信息,以及我们在您和其他人浏览我们的网站时使用收集的汇总信息.

Personal Information You Choose to Provide We may request that you voluntarily supply us with personal information, including your e-mail address, postal address, 家庭或工作电话号码和其他个人信息,如通信的目的, placing an order, requesting an estimate, or participating in online surveys. If you choose to correspond with us through email, 我们可能会保留您的电子邮件内容、您的电子邮件地址以及我们的回复. 我们为这些电子通信提供与维护通过邮件和电话接收的信息相同的保护.

Website Use Information Similar to other commercial websites, our website may utilize a standard technology called “cookies” (see explanation below, “What Are Cookies?”) and Web server logs to collect information about how our website is used. 通过cookie和Web服务器日志收集的信息可能包括访问的日期和时间, the pages viewed, time spent at our website, and the websites visited just before and just after our website. This information is collected on an aggregate basis. None of this information is associated with you as an individual.

How Do We Use the Information That You Provide to Us? Broadly speaking, we use personal information for purposes of administering our business activities, 提供客户服务,并为客户和潜在客户提供其他产品和服务. Occasionally, 我们也可能使用我们收集的信息来通知您有关我们网站的重要变更, new services and special offers we think you will find valuable. 用于向您发送产品和服务报价的列表是根据我们传统的企业标准开发和管理的,旨在保护客户个人信息的安全和隐私. You are allowed at any time to notify us of your desire not to receive these offers.

What Are Cookies? cookie是Web浏览器软件的一个功能,它允许Web服务器识别用于访问网站的计算机. cookie是由用户的Web浏览器存储在用户硬盘上的小块数据. cookie可以记住用户在一个网页上访问的信息,以简化同一用户与该网站的后续交互,或者使用这些信息简化用户在相关网页上的交易. 这使得用户更容易从一个Web页面移动到另一个Web页面,并通过Internet完成商业交易. Cookies should make your online experience easier and more personalized.

How Do We Use Information We Collect from Cookies? 我们使用网站浏览器软件工具(如cookies和Web服务器日志)来收集有关我们网站用户浏览活动的信息, in order to constantly improve our website and better serve our customers. 这些资料有助我们以最方便使用者的方式设计及安排网页,并不断改善我们的网站,以更切合客户及潜在客户的需要. Cookies help us collect important business and technical statistics. cookie中的信息使我们能够跟踪用户从一个页面移动到另一个页面时所遵循的路径. Web服务器日志允许我们计算有多少人访问我们的网站,并评估我们网站的访问者容量. 我们不会使用这些技术来获取您的个人电子邮件地址或任何有关您的个人识别信息.

Notice of New Services and Changes Occasionally, 我们可能会使用我们收集的信息来通知您有关我们网站的重要变更, new services and special offers we think you will find valuable. As our client, 当您收到此类报价时,您将有机会通过点击响应框或向我们发送电子邮件请求来通知我们您不希望接收这些报价.

How Do We Secure Information Transmissions? When you send confidential personal credit card information to us on our website, 我们授权的安全服务器软件会在您输入的所有信息发送给我们之前对其进行加密. The information is scrambled en route and decoded once it reaches our website. 您可能发送给我们的其他电子邮件可能不安全,除非我们告知您在传输信息之前将采取安全措施. For that reason, 我们要求您不要通过不安全的电子邮件向我们发送机密信息,如社会安全号或账号.

How Do We Protect Your Information? Information Security. 我们使用加密/安全软件来保护我们收集的个人信息的机密性,防止未经授权的访问或披露以及意外丢失, alteration, or destruction. Evaluation of Information Protection Practices. Periodically, 我们会检讨我们的运作和商业惯例,以确保符合公司的保安政策和程序, confidentiality and quality of our information. Employee Access, Training and Expectations. Our corporate values, ethical standards, policies and practices are committed to the protection of customer information. In general, 我们的商业惯例限制员工获取机密信息,并限制这些信息的使用和披露给授权人员, processes and transactions.

How Can You Access and Correct Your Information? 您可以通过使用我们网站上的bet36365最快线路检测中心表格向我们发送电子邮件,请求访问我们在线收集并保存在我们数据库中的所有您的个人身份信息 Contact Us page.

Do We Disclose Information to Outside Parties? We may provide aggregate information about our customers, sales, 网站流量模式和相关网站信息提供给我们的附属公司或信誉良好的第三方, but this information will not include personally identifying data, except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy.

What About Legally Compelled Disclosure of Information? We may disclose information when legally compelled to do so, in other words, when we, in good faith, believe that the law requires it or for the protection of our legal rights.

Permission to Use of Materials 下载、存储或输出本网站资料的权利仅供用户个人使用, and materials may not be reproduced in any edited form. Any other reproduction, transmission, performance, 未经本公司明确书面许可,严禁以任何机械或电子方式展示或编辑这些材料. 用户如欲获得转载或复制本网站出现的任何材料的许可,可直接与我们bet36365最快线路检测中心.